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Weiss Automations Systeme - in short W.A.S. - is an engineering and technical trading company for products and plants in the fields of Filtration, Measuring and Control. Based in Vienna, Austria, we serve primarily markets in central-, east- and south-europe.

Founded in 1991, with focus on the natural gas and oil industries, we expanded continously in further industries and markets and are so able to support our customers with cross-sector experience.

We plan, manufacture and supply filterplants and measuring- & controlling systems for flowmetering of gas & liquids. We offer filterelements, measuring instruments as well as engineering services. W.A.S. co-operates with a number of leading international companies for filtration- & measurement-solutions and offers a wide field of technologies to achieve the best results for it's customers.

A tight and straight-forward organisation, the use of state-of-the-art technologies and our competent partners, ranking among the leading companies in their industries, enable us to offer intelligent solutions for our customers to optimize processes and lower costs.

Filtern Messen Regeln